Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

Seven years..

Taking on seven years the holy ghost had left alone
Test my arms, kick like crazy
And ive been trying way to long
Only push his way off to fight you
Im sorry, im sorry, im not sure
Getting off my chest

The story ends
I would find a way without
(tell him his eyes seem too clear)
I would find a way without you
(tell him his eyes seem too clear)
That mistake was gold
I know that without you
Its something that i could never do

That was why staple the eyes and
Seven days for me to sell machines
And tear on
Seven years you assured me
That id be fine if i complied
Only push the way off to fight you
Im sorry im sorry im not sure

Getting off my chest the story ends
I would find a way without
(tell him his eyes seem too clear)
I would find a way without you
(tell him his eyes seem too

Dont treat me im to blame
Dont treat me like i ever accused you

Jumat, 15 Juli 2011


Berhubungb gw pnya fixie,gw akan coba membahas speda fixie ,,

Sepeda fixie adalah sepeda rakitan #pd umume,,yg warna warnanya nyolok dimata.
klo blum dong nih ane kasih gmbarnye 
NYOLOK kaga' dimata lo- lo pada ?? kadang FIXIE disbut sbgai spda norak lah ,alay lah mcem mcem lah ,, tp yg pnya FIXIE ga usah pnas kupingnya dnger ocehan orang ya !! kan ini spda kta ,yaa terserah kta mau diapain ya kan??

yak lanjut ke topik ..FIXIE ama FIXED GEAR itu bdaa lhooooooo............
prbdaannya ada pda sistem pengeremannya , rata-rata FIXIE tu pake TORPEDO , sedangkan FIXED GEAR tu pake DOLTRAP jd bda lo bosss.. Nih gambare:

ini torpedo gan !!

kalo ini doltrap namane gann !!!
 oke?? kalo lo ,lo pada pngin bkin FIXIE and FIXIED GEAR siapin aja dana 1 ampe 2 jt gan dijamin udah AJJJIIIIIIIBBBBBBB !!! slmat ber-FIXIE ria :D

Akuu kemballii !!!!

Wah udeh lame gw kgak mosting lg hehe (padahal postinge cman 2 wkwk) , kali ini gue akan mbahas FIXIE cekidot gan !!